Micha Kaplan

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Wodka Variationen_Episode 5

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

It’s 2020 - the theaters are closed and the three sisters Olga, Mascha and Irina from Chekhov’s play feel lost in their countryside house. In each episode a different theater character encounter and interacts with the three sisters. From Medea to Mephisto to The Marquis von Keith, they all try to escape their written fate.

Episode 5 is featuring Ulrike Maria Stuart as she is trying to transform the sisters into radical political personalities with her revolutionary manifest.

Concept : Agnes Mann, Eva Maria Sommersberg, Alina Rank
Director and Script: Eva Maria
Jonas Kolahdoozan
Laura Hölzel
Music: Micha Kaplan

With: Agnes Mann, Eva Maria Sommersberg, Alina Rank, Justine del Corte Hirschfeld

Drei Schwestern Produktionen 2020-2022

Participated in:
* Seriale ! Festival - Best Ensemble Cast & Best Supporting Actress 2022
* Bilbao Seriesland Festival - TOP AMETS Prize 2022
Achtung Berlin Film Festival 2022
Seoul Webfest, 2022
Seriencamp Festival, Munich 2021